Robert W. Rescigno, Ed.D., Collaborative Consulting, LLC Solutions through Collaboration, Innovation, Connection, Implementation, and Leadership With over thirty years of experience, I have dedicated myself to embodying the enduring principles of leadership: character, integrity, respect, valuing others, caring, discernment, and trust. In a world that moves at lightning speed, these principles remain timeless and continue to serve as my personal compass. My extensive experience spans working at all levels of education and fostering successful partnerships with leaders in the public, private, and nonprofit sectors throughout Delaware. This unique perspective has positioned me to lead innovative programs across school districts, charter schools, and vo-tech schools, bridging K-12 education with higher education and creating pathways for career and workforce development. Through these endeavors, I have cultivated a vast network of relationships with education, business, community, and government leaders, mastering the art of achieving results in Delaware, particularly within the realm of education. My objective is to regard my clients as partners and to assist them by leveraging my knowledge and experience of education, strategy, and management to empower education, community, government, and business leaders to attain higher levels of performance for their programs and partnerships, thereby creating enhanced opportunities for Delaware students and graduates. I am committed to focusing my efforts on collaborating with Delaware school districts and charter schools, the Delaware Department of Education, colleges and universities, as well as nonprofits and businesses. The services extended to my partners will leverage a diverse skill set encompassing my knowledge and skills of educational, strategic, and management consulting, all centered on delivering solutions tailored to the partner's specific needs: • Leadership Development: Supporting leaders though executive coaching, the power of listening, and thought partner sessions. These sessions can be individual or group presentations. The discussions can be broad or tailored to the individual or particular leadership need. • Partnerships Building: Serving as the liaison and interface to cultivate education and business partnerships by linking key stakeholders, seeking legislative opportunities, leveraging resources, and connecting the dots to implement solutions. The ultimate goal is to create pipelines for filling jobs and incentivizing students to pursue intentional pathways to their next career step, whether it be advanced certificates, specialized training, apprenticeships, community college, or a college degree. • Organizational Change: Collaborating with an organization’s leadership to assess the need for change, creating a sense of urgency, building a team of key players, collaborating on a vision, building an implementable plan, and monitoring its successful implementation. • Human Resource Support: Engaging staff and leadership in creating effective practices to solve challenging employee and performance issues. This includes developing effective employer interviewing skills, designing behavior interviewing protocols aligned with job skills, mastering the art of writing a performance review and evaluating the effective use of time as it relates to achieving performance goals. The Value Add of Collaborative Consulting, LLC Making teams stronger and the individuals better by collaborating to: • Stimulate thinking – Asking thoughtful questions • Inspire creativity – The why not and the what if? • Expand perspectives – Understanding the current view or status quo and can we make it better? • Reflect on ideas – Building on the new perspectives and being sure all have the opportunity to share • Synthesize the vision – Putting the ideas together • Plan the process Develop a process to move the vision forward: Clinical Process Design the Objective/goal – what is to be accomplished and achieved Determine the Diagnosis – determine the why and drill down to the root cause Draft a Prescription - create a plan for the course of action Administer the Treatment - administer based on the prescription Perform the Evaluation – how did we do?
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