More than 100 supporters gathered to celebrate Read Aloud Delaware's 40th anniversary on Friday, May 3, at Riverfront Events. With the generous support of donors and sponsors such as Incyte, WSFS Bank, Morris James LLP, and more listed below, Read Aloud Delaware is thrilled to announce that we surpassed our fundraising goal, achieving over $40,000. We were honored to welcome volunteers, child care centers, nonprofit leaders, and distinguished guests including US Senator Chris Coons, Governor John Carney, and NCC Executive Matt Meyer. Executive Director James Spadola remarked, "It's astounding to think our volunteers have read 2 million times to kids one-on-one in 40 years. Looking ahead, we will continue to focus on expanding our volunteer and child care network, expanding our bilingual outreach program, and focusing on partnerships designed to increase the literacy levels of Delaware's children. Board Chair Jeanne Brennan said, "Whether you are a grantor, a donor, or one of our volunteer readers, you are helping us to accomplish our mission: to create a lifelong impact through early childhood literacy. Thank you!" For those looking to get involved with Read Aloud Delaware, please join us for a Family Fun Festival at Cupola Park in Millsboro on Thursday, May 16 from 4-6 PM, or the Highmark Walk in Wilmington on June 8 at Tubman-Garrett Park. Sponsors: Incyte, WSFS Bank, Morris James LLP, Kenny Family Foundation, Meluney Alleman & Spence, PNC Bank, Four All Seasons Change Foundation, Delaware State Chamber of Commerce, United Way of Delaware, Schell Brothers, and the Delaware Foundation for Science & Mathematics Education For more information, contact Executive Director James Spadola at or call 302-656-5256.