The Latin American Community Center (LACC) is a nonprofit, community-based organization that has been committed to meeting the needs of Latinos in Delaware since 1969. The LACC is the largest Hispanic-serving organization in the state and the only fully bilingual, fully bicultural direct service agency in New Castle County, Delaware. For over 50 years, the LACC has served as a vital community anchor and a beacon of hope for many Latinos, reaching over 25,000 people annually and directly serving more than 7,000 individuals. The mission of the LACC is to empower the Latino community through education, advocacy, partnerships and exceptional services. The agency provides over 30 programs in a continuum of care to meet the needs of the community. The programs are organized into two divisions: Lifelong Learning and Life Empowerment. Lifelong Learning offers a broad spectrum of educational services for infants through late teens. Life Empowerment focuses on helping individuals and families achieve or reestablish self-sufficiency. Major programs within the two divisions include: * Early Childhood Services, which operates three highly rated early learning centers that serve children ages 0-5 and their families through a research-based early education program and comprehensive wrap-around support. * Youth Development, which provides before and after school programming, summer camp, a Youth Achievement Center that promotes academic and leadership development, and a Credit Recovery Program that gives struggling high school students an opportunity to recover the academic credits required for graduation. * Adult Basic Education, which offers English as a Second Language (ESL) classes, Civics Education, and Adult Digital Literacy. * Workforce Development, which offers job search and placement assistance, soft skills training, hiring events, individually targeted job leads, and follow-up support. * A Financial Literacy program that offers traditional money management workshops as well as services tailored to meet the unique needs of the Hispanic community. * Family Support Services, which offers crisis financial assistance to individuals and families at risk of becoming homeless, victim advocacy, breastfeeding peer support, and information and referral services for seniors. * Prevention and Advocacy, which supports a variety of community-based substance abuse prevention services, HIV testing and early intervention, and in-home safety assessments to identify potential risks and hazards. The LACC’s vision is a thriving Latino community.
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